Saturday 19 June 2010

Bring Out The Wolf's Head! Grond! Grond! Grond!

Well, after an even worse England performance that the last one (I should have called this post 'I Wish I'd Painted Now - Pt. II'), I've managed to drag myself up out of the pit of despair and get a little bit more done on Njal.

At least the weekend it looking up - I'm watching Green Day at Wembley tonight, then I'll watch the recording of Doctor Who tomorrow (very excited!) and it's also Father's Day tomorrow and I get a lie in... Hurrah!

Anyway, enough of my life, I hear you cry!  What about Njal?

Well, I've managed to finish the fur on the wolf's head and am now ready to start on the rest of the mane.

I did the wolf's head first as this is the focal point of the wolf, and the bit that really needed to be right, so I expected to have to have a couple of attempts at it.  I didn't see the point in spending a very long time working on the whole wolf if I had to start again because the face didn't look right...

So here it is in all it's glory:

At the moment, it's nice, but not really fantastic, but I didn't expect it to be yet.  When the rest of the fur is done, I can do the nose and eyes, which should really bring out the character in him.

I gradually, over about eight or nine stages, worked the face up from Chaos Black with Charadon Granite and Graveyard Earth, gradually adding more of the latter until it was virtually a pure coat.  After that, I mixed about a 1:1 blend of Graveyard Earth and Codex Grey to do the final, most extreme highlights.

I'm going to try and follow this method for the rest of the fur, but as I want the wolf to look natural, and not uniformly-coloured, it shouldn't be a terrible loss if I don't manage to get the mixes exactly the same.

I should hopefully get some more done in the couple of spare hours I have tomorrow night...

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