Thursday 15 July 2010

Njearly, But Njot Quite...

Well, this has to be the hundredth blog entry where I claim to have almost finished Njal.  But I have.

I promise!

The principle paint job is finished now, and all that's needed is a very fine-tooth-comb touching up of the many, many mistakes, chips and bare undercoat that I keep managing to spot all over the miniature.

Oh, and the base definitely needs livening up a little.  Very dull and grey at the moment...

But while I do that, let me introduce you to Fell Fang, Alpha Marine of the Dead Jesters Blood Claw pack...

More soon, hopefully on the Ork Warboss... Who now has a base available!

1 comment:

  1. Wow the Space Wolves have so much movment in them, and it does not make them look like they are about to fall over
