Monday 19 July 2010

Curse You, Nurgle! Curse You!

Well, what a disappointing painting weekend.  I had probably twice as much time to spare as I usually do, but instead of being able to make the most of it, I was struck down by Nurgle's Rot.


Oh, the best laid plans...

Never mind.

I did manage to almost finish the metals on the Ork Warboss - now lovingly known to me as Wazzdakka Gutsmeg - leaving only a light drybrushing of Chainmail and then some 'Eavy Metal-inspired rust effects on some parts of the armour.

As a little side-project, while the washes were drying, I also did the basecoat on one of my Blood Claws.

It's a bit of an experiment as I'm using the three-stage method listed in White Dwarf, telling you how to get an army painted and fielded as nicely but quickly as possible.

For the Power Armour, it is simply a Space Wolves Grey / Shadow Grey mix, followed by a Scorched Brown / Shadow Grey (I think) wash, followed by a Space Wolves Grey highlight.

I have to admit, I'm a little bit dubious of the technique, having spend so long painting five or six stages onto Space Marine armour.  The question is, when I'm painting lots of lovely miniatures for other people to use, am I going to be happy with three simple stages for my own armies?

That said, I think I'll wait until I see the finished result before I pass judgement.

When that will be, well, only Nurgle can tell...

I'll hopefully get some pictures up (and some more painting done!) if I feel better later...

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