Monday 12 July 2010

Njal? Finished?

Sort of!

Well, he would be finished, if he didn't insist on carrying his magic poking-stick into battle.

Yes, that's all I have left.  A staff.  I'm not sure how long it's gonna take me to paint it, perhaps a couple or three days, but the end is definitely in sight.

I have to admit, I'm getting a bit worn out with Njal now, as it is a tremendously difficult miniature to paint - and certainly not the one I should have decided to strive for 'perfection' on (I think I've fallen well short, but I'm still very impressed with myself!).  I think that next time I try to do a bells-and-whistles, fully-blended, completely smooth, brush-stroke-perfect paint job, I'm going to try a standard Tactical Marine.


There's simply too much detail and too many trechniques to master on a character miniature.  This means that the blended areas are all either broken up or crammed into a very small space.  However, on a normal Marine, there are lots of open areas such as the shoulder pads and the shins where you can really go to town on practicing your advanced painting techniques.

I think Games Workshop sell boxes of five Black Reach Marines (not as detailed as the normal packs) for about £5, so I'll definitely have a go at buying some of those the next time the Colchester store is actually open (please don't get me started on that one...)

Anyway, here he is in all of his almost-finished glory...

So far so good, and I'll keep you posted on the poking-stick.  I can tell, you're really eager to hear more.

 No, really, I can.

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