Saturday 31 July 2010

Back To Black

Hello and sorry it's been a couple of days.  Lots and lots of stuff going on, much of it Hobby-related, much of it lack-of-sleep related.

Anyway, where were we...?

Oh yes, painting the black armour!

Well, thinking about what I said in the last post, about it being difficult to judge blacks when they're against a black undercoat, I've decided to leave finishing off those sections until the majority of the rest of the models are painted.  Hopefully that way, I'll be able to do a much more accurate job of judging the contrast.

With that in mind, I've begun painting the trousers and gloves of the Human team a nice, sandy kind of off-white.  This was done using the same method that I used for the teeth and bone, etc. on my recent Space Orks project:

A Bestial Brown basecoat followed by
Snakebite Leather and then
a 1:1 mix of Snakebite Leather and Bleached Bone with
a highlight of pure Bleached Bone finally followed by
an extreme highlight of Skull White.

Just to smooth things over a little, after all of those stages, I've added a thinned Gryphonne Sepia wash and then tonight I hope to re-touch the highlights with Skull White.

With a bit of luck, I'll have some pictures for you later, but until then, happy painting!


  1. What is the overall colour scheam that you are going with for the humans??

  2. Black armour, white fabrics, gold eagles / badges, with red sashes to add a spot of colour.

  3. Sounds really cool can not wait to see some pictures
