Friday 6 August 2010

Who Loves Babylon 5?

Alright then, who likes Babylon 5?

[sigh]  Fine then!  Who's seen Babylon 5?

Well, I love it, so I don't care what you think!

Anyway, what on earth has that got to do with Blood Bowl, I hear you ask?

A very good question, I reply.  I shall tell you...

I've finished painting the Human Blood Bowl team, and if I do say so myself, I think they look awesome.

I was wondering what kind of markings to put on the team and was having a look through some of my old transfers, thinking about their black armour and found -

Well, remember the Psi-Corps?  And Mister Bester?  And his personal Star Fury squadron?

Well, I give you...


Oh alright, they're upside-down Ultramarines logos, but they work pretty damned well, I reckon!

Now just for those pesky Orcs...


  1. Oh wow, that did work pretty well!
    I might have to take another look through those old Space Marine transfers!

    (the ads on this blog are a little over-the-top)

  2. You know what, I've been thinking that about the ads for some time. You mean the bit where the screen disappears and you get an advertisement for something you would never want to buy? Thanks for confirming what I suspected all along - they have to go!! No-one ever clicks on them anyway!

  3. Superb looking team Darren. I can see these fetching a pretty penny or two on fleabay!

  4. Thanks Darren, I'm really pleased with them!
