Saturday 14 August 2010

Aaaaaand Relax!

Well, with the majority of the tricky bits behind me, save for some tidying up and highlight work, tonight I basecoated the Orc flesh.

What a relief!  This Blood Bowl team will take me up to a grand total of fifty-three Orc/ks painted this year, and I'm quite confident in saying that I've got Orc flesh pretty much sussed.

Okay!  I put my hands up!  It certainly wouldn't stand up in comparison to the work of the Darren Lathams and Anja Wettergrens of this world, but as an... um... enthusiastic wannabe, I don't think I do too badly...

In fact, it is amazing that I've never collected Orcs because I love painting green skin so much!

There are many other things which I find challenging and engaging to paint, but I can think of nothing that is more fun.

Anyhow, so as not to get carried away and risk rushing, I've forced myself to stop at the basecoat for tonight so that I have plenty of time tomorrow to work on the highlights.

Just as a quick update, I painted the metal around the helmets last night and earlier this evening.  I basecoated them with a mix of Boltgun Metal and Badab Black, followed by a wash of Badab Black and thinned Choas Black.  Finally I simply highlighted with Chainmail and then Mithril Silver.

This method, you may note, is a little bit lighter and less 'dirty' than the metallics I painted for my recent Space Ork project.

The reason I went for a cleaner look (outlined in Anja Wttergren's Blood Angels Sergeant Lorenzo 'Eavy Metal Masterclass) is that despite still being Orcs, I felt that a Blood Bowl team's uniforms would be kept a bit more carefully than the armour of a hardened warrior - a bit more razzle-dazzle - or at least as much razzle and dazzle as an Orc can muster.

My plan for the skin (as always) is to begin with a basecoat of Dark Angels Green, followed by a 3:1 mix of Dark Angels Green and Goblin Green.  This will then be followed by a 1:1 mix of the previous colours, working up to approximately 1:3 Dark Angels Green and Goblin Green.  Finally, I'll highlight with pure Goblin Green before adding a hefty touch of Sunburst Yellow for the last, extreme highlight.

Oh, but you may have noticed someone missing...

I'm going to try something new for the Black Orcs, as traditionally their skin is painted a much deeper, more muted shade of green.  I haven't decided on the exact colour mix yet, but no doubt White Dwarf's numerous tutorials will point me in the right direction!!

Hopefully more tomorrow, when I should be at least half way through the skin...

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