Wednesday 25 August 2010

I'll Get Quicker. I Hope.

It's been fairly slow progress on my test-Wolf tonight.

Rather naively, I had hoped to finish him.  Ha!  No such luck!

The problem I had tonight was getting the shoulder pads right.

Now don't get me wrong, it's not going to take a whole night to paint each Marine's shoulder markings, it's just that tonight I had to paint each one about three times before I got the colour right.

I've finally managed to sort out the colour scheme - I just hope that my painting will get both faster and neater by the time I've finished the army.

If you're interested, the reds were painted with a 2:1 mix of Blood Red and Dark Flesh, followed by a shade of 1:1 Dark Flesh and Chaos Black.  They were then line-highlighted with Blood Red, Blazing Orange and finally, Vomit Brown.

The yellows were given a basecoat of Tausept Ochre and then a 1:1 Tausept Ochre and Golden Yellow mix, finally highlighted with a 1:1:1 mix of the previous layer, plus Skull White...

You may have noticed the greenish non-descript tattoos painted onto his face.  Not entirely sure I'm happy with them (anyone seen Braveheart lately?), but as my army is from Sven Bloodhowl's Great Company, the Codex specifically states that they all tattoo their runes and Sagas across their skin.

As they don't look hideous, I've decided that they'll do.

Hopefully, he'll only take a couple more days to finish as I have a week or so (more like three) of DIY which starts on Saturday - so I'll be spending my time replacing the bathroom instead of painting.


Never mind, hopefully I'll have earned plenty of hobby time by the time it's done...

1 comment:

  1. I like your tattoos very braveheart, also I think you have got your red just right. see you in a few days
