Wednesday 11 August 2010

Red Dread: Redemption.

Time's up!  Stop writing and put your pens down!

The reds are as done as they will be until the final touch-up phase.

As with the blacks that I did on the Human Blood Bowl team recently, until I start to get more colour onto the miniatures, I can't really judge the contrast on the reds any more accurately.

I think they'll look great against the bright green skin, so I'm going to leave it at that until I have something else to judge against.

I'm very pleased with the way that they look so far, if a little bit disappointed with how long they've taken me - still, the end result is the key and not the time taken!

Tonight I will start (and hopefully finish) the black areas, which, despite the length of time taken on the Black Omegas, are relatively simple compared to the red armour!

Best laid plans and all that.

I'm sure you'll hear about it all soon!

1 comment:

  1. Mate you are stomping through these teams, soon you will have no choice but to start painting the wolves
