Monday 16 August 2010

Skin and Bone...

Well, at least that's what I was thinking - just paint the Orc skin, the bits of bone, and then (of course) the obligatory tidy-up and bases, and the Orc Blood Bowl team would be done.

However, being a perfectionist (almost) I have decided that evey good Blood Bowl team needs some sort of markings on their armour - That said, my personal Wood Elf team, The Green Glade Hackers, do not have any markings, but that is not to say they aren't 'good' at Blood Bowl, they just don't have any armour.

(Alright!  They aren't any good at Blood Bowl either!)

Still, where was I?  Oh yes, right in the middle of the Orc skin, I suppose.

I just intend to add the final two highlight stages tonight (see my earlier posts if you're interested as to what these will be...) and then hopefully I'll get chance to start on the Black Orc flesh.

As for the markings, I have been lovingly calling these boyz 'The Red Arra's', so don't be surprised if there ends up being something dangerous and pointy painted on them somewhere...

Anyway, here are the latest two stages I've painted on the skin today:

They're really starting to come together now after a few false starts.  I can't wait to get on with them tonight now...!!

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