Sunday 22 August 2010

Da Red Arra's!!

Well hurrah and hurrah!

That's another fine Blood Bowl team under my belt.  I decided to paint an arrow marking on the armour in the end because I've been lovingly calling these boyz the Red Arra's since before I began painting their red armour.

I'm very impressed with them in the end, despite how tricky it was to get everything just right.

And here they are:

Let me know what you think!

As for my next painting project, I've promised not only myself but my gaming buddy wiredwrong that I'd finally make an effort to get some more of my Space Wolves army painted, so I'll be painting my first pack of Blood Claws over the next couple of weeks.

Of course, updates and pictures will be posted here...


  1. Epic mate, and can I just say the pics do not do them justice. Was great to see you over the weekend and watch you work.

  2. Cheers - I've just finished washing your spots of Blood Red off my table before my wife saw it!

    It was great to have a weekend concentrating on the painting, and it's really spurred me on to get my Space Wolves done.

    I know what you mean about the photos - they look even better in real life - although I would say that, wouldn't I?
