Monday 2 August 2010

Colour Scheme: Pass.

Although I haven't quite finished the golds yet - in fact this morning I have only just added a mid-tone of Shining Gold - the Human team is definitely taking shape... And I think the colour scheme looks awesome!

All I need to do on the gold decoration now is add a highlight of Burnished Gold, followed by an extreme highlight of Mithril Silver (this method for painting gold, by the way, was stolen from an 'Eavy Metal Masterclass on Space Hulk's Sergeant Lorenzo, painted by one of my favourite artists, Anja Wettergren).

After I've finished the golds, I'll be painting the sashes and belts in the same red as the Boss Plate from Wazzdakka (which you may have seen if you've read any of my previous posts) to add a spot colour to the team.  It may or may not work, bearing in mind how well the colours hold each other together at the moment.  Still, it's worth the risk and as with anything, I can always paint over it if it doesn't look good...

At the same time, to appease my disgruntled Orc team, who are feeling a bit neglected, I'll be painting their armour in the same red.  Obviously (yawn) I'll keep you up to date on how it all pans out.

Anyway, for now, the work so far:

Oh, and yes, he is still hanging in there - in fact, from the looks of it, he thinks he'd be quite a good Catcher:

If only someone would tell him he's in the wrong universe...


  1. Looking really really good, and i think the spot color of red is going to work really well

  2. The red looks really nice, actually (so far...). They look like the richest, most regal Blood Bowl team in the Old World. Imagine if Monaco had a Blood Bowl team, and you'd be half way there.

    But these guys would be richer.

    Hopefully pictures soon!
