Wednesday 4 August 2010

What A Difference A Day (Or Two...) Makes

Well, I promised pictures of the reds when they were finished, and although I managed to finished them yesterday, I never managed to get time to post them - sorry!

Still, they're done now, and so is the skin on the Human team.  In the end, I didn't do any of the Orc reds and for that, I'm very glad.

It all started very well, with a nice basecoat of Mechrite Red, followed by a 1:1 mix of that and Blazing Orange.  Nice.  Then a pure Blazing Orange highlight.  Lovely.  After that, a good ol' 1:1 mix of Blazing Orange and Vomit Brown.  Beautiful.  Then, I discovered the wonders of highlighting red with pure Vomit Brown.  Perfect.

After that came the wash of Asurman Blue.  Disaster!!!

It was all my fault - the guide said to paint it into all of the creases, but I thought 'I wonder what it would look like all over?'  Big mistake.  I thought it might turn it a rich purple colour, but it did not - it turned it to mud!

Never mind, you live and learn.

So, I then spent another almost-day doing the reds again pretty much from scratch, but this time giving them a couple of thin washes of Baal Red at the end to enrich the colour.  And I think it all went pretty well.

Nothing too exciting to report on the skin, it all went according to the plan:

  1. Tallarn Flesh basecoat.
  2. Two Ogryn Flesh washes.
  3. Re-apply the Tallarn Flesh, avoiding the recesses.
  4. After that, I applied a Dwarf Flesh mid-tone, followed by...
  5. A highlight using a 1:1 mix of Dwarf Flesh and Bleached Bone.
  6. After that, just a simple Extreme highlight of Bleached Bone.
And here are the results so far:

As you can see, I've also just glued on the gravel to their bases, so tonight, if it's dry, it'll be a case of painting the bases and then revisiting the black armour to smooth things out, touch up any slips and give it a nice sharp highlight.

As for the team markings... Well, I have a very interesting plan for those...


  1. I like them mate, really dont think you need to do much more to the armour either. Although that is just my opinion. What have you got in mind for the Orc's?

  2. Cheers mate. Really just a case of smoothing everything over now.

    As for the Orcs, they're very much going to be the Gouged Eye, I think - red armour and black cloth. I'm going to try and paint the Black Orcs in a darker skin-tone this time. I always avoid it because I like the bright greens I've been using, but I think they'll stand out more if I do...
