Friday 28 May 2010

Well, That Didn't Take Long...

Less than half an hour and the base is (sort of) modelled.  Loads of Green Stuff in a big fat lump, so I'm gonna give it at least 48-hours to dry before I file the edges smooth and undercoat it.

This will be the first time I've ever painted a base seperately from the miniature.  I might need to buy a couple of spare bases as I now have nothing to stick Njal onto while I paint him.

How on earth do I have no spare bases?


  1. There's a nice example on snow bases on the GW site. In the LOTR section of all places...

  2. Thanks for that! There are some lovely examples - and some good tips. I was going to just PVA and dip and hope for the best - glad I know better now. It's all about the Skull White and the sprinkle...
