Friday 28 May 2010

And So It Begins...

The gale howled outside, smashing flurries of snow and ice against the frozen window.  I sat huddled over the cracked wooden table, skins and blankets wrapped tight against the chill draft which moaned from beneath the barred door.

The light was low, only a single dancing candle flame, as my trembling hands raised up the battered blister pack and...


The Stormcaller is loose!  Unpainted, yes.  But loose!

Bouyed by the encouragement of what can only be described as a painting Yoda, I have finally begun my work.  Njal Stormcaller is out of his blister, has several bits of pinning metal sticking out of his limbs and is pretty much ready to be undercoated.

I thought if I do my Commander first, at least I can spend lots of time trying to get him perfect so that by the time I come to the basic troops, I'll have gotten it all out of my system and will be able to do a realistic paint-job - realistic as in one day, they might actually get onto the battlefield.

I'm going to hopefully model the base for Njal today (if my daughter stays asleep) with copious amounts of Green Stuff.  I want to have him standing astride cracked ice-flows as he casts Jaws of the World Wolf.

Enemies of the Imperium beware!

The Wolves are coming!!

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