Tuesday 25 May 2010

It's a bit like Gollum and his Ring...

'He hates and loves the Ring, as he hates and loves himself.'

I feel a bit like that about Ork Boyz.  I mean, they're great.  Seriously, I really enjoy painting green skin.  Bit weird, I know, but there it is.  The problem is, there's so bloody many of them!

And it was definitely a bad idea to try and paint thirteen of them at the same time.  I've spent days painting leather straps - seven stages, times thirteen - that's ninety-one separate painting stages for probably the least noticeable part of the miniatures.

And now I'm faced with the skin itself.  Stupidly, only six stages.  So why am I painting more detail on the leather than the skin?  Madness.  I suppose it's because it's far easier to make Ork flesh look nice.  I'd probably even get away with five stages.  Oh well...

I'm quite tempted to paint the bases first - one, because it's a nice, easy break and two, because it's really easy to rush the bases at the end - and a badly done base can really ruin a decent miniature.

Either way, not sure I can be bothered tonight.  I think I'll watch the final Ashes to Ashes again instead.

No point painting if I'm tired and not in the mood.

Any excuse.

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