Wednesday 26 May 2010

Green, Green, Green, Forty Shades of Green...

Well, I've finally started the Orky skin.  I'd hoped to make some headway on the highlights tonight, but have been kept very busy by my daughter this afternoon, so I'm going to finish off the Dark Angels Green basecoat and then collapse into bed.

My new Blood Bowl set arrived today, so I'm still trying to decide whether to paint another couple of teams up after the Boyz, or whether to finish off all of the Greenskins first.

Whatever I decide, I can either get on with some painting or keep write this, so -


  1. You know, you never will have a painted army unless you, well, paint your army :) What worked for me is banning myself from the computer and the distractions it affords. Posting pictures of the models once their done is a great motivation too.

    I find painting my models is a totally different hobby than playing games with them. I think I enjoy painting models more than playing with them, even though I'm happy to only paint models to a decent tabletop standard.

    My suggestion is to work out how well you can paint a unit of marines in a week - give yourself that long and no longer. They'll still look great and painting a unit a week will mean your army is soon at a level where you can get some games in. Pro-painted minis do look lovely - but how many 'Eavy Metal painters have entire armies painted to their top standard? It'd take them years! A new codex will be out before then :)

  2. That's very true. I may wait a few weenks (or so) until I have the Battle Force and then blast them with the spray gun...
