Friday 29 October 2010

Citadel Spray Gun: FAIL.

Hmmm, I'm rather disappointed at the moment with the performance of my spray gun.  I attempted this morning to blast my entire Space Wolves army with their Power Armour basecoat, and the results are patchy (quite literally) to say the least.

Now, I know of a lot of people who have had issues with the spray gun, but having used it a few times myself, I always thought that it was okay - you just needed a bit of jiggery-pokery with some of the bits, but then it'd work fine.

So, naturally, when I absolutely needed it to work, it didn't.

The paint flow was very haphazard, sometimes really thick, sometimes like water and sometimes just air.  I was using Games Workshop's own propellant (trying two separate cans) and varying the 'paint thickness' nozzle position, but couldn't get a consistant result, even after changing the paint thickness both ways.

Unfortunately, this has left me with a part-basecoated army (luckily more done than not...), and I must now paint in the rest of the armour by hand as I don't want to use up the last of my colour mix on something that may well not work.

Still, it's not the end of the world as what I did manage to do has saved me a good many days of painting by hand - it just means that the process hasn't saved as much time as it could have done.

Also, in the gun's favour, it was extremely cold and windy outside, and I imagine the low temperature would have had a massive effect on the propellant flow - after all, the can will begin to freeze on the outside in balmy summer weather!

I will still attempt to use the gun when I come to paint my Drop Pod, but I must now put that to the very bottom of my list, lest I should run out of paint for the main force!!

For now, I'm going to put the Power Armour on the back-burner, as I will inevitably need to touch it up after I finish the rest of the basecoat.  I'll paint in everything else and then sort the armour last - it just means that until the very final brush stroke, these Wolves are going to look a MESS!

Anyway, if anyone has any tips on using the gun, or could recomend a similar tool, please let me know!


  1. Put the can of propellant in a basin of warm hot to stop it from getting too cold. Seems to help.

  2. That is a brilliant idea! I'm definitely going to try that when I blast my Drop Pod. May wait a while thought... I've got my eye on a Land Raider at the moment - I could do them both together.

    Thanks for the tip, I think it may be very helpful as winter is fast approaching...

  3. No problem. I'm going to try and attach the spray gun to an air compressor I picked up. Its a revell one - airbrush, compressor and some paint for 150euro. If it works, no more propellant problems, no more having to but the propellant and the best bit, constant pressure. If it works that is! Let me know if the propellant in warm water worked for you!

  4. Will do. It'll be a few weeks before I do any more spraying (at which point it'll be even colder...), but I'm sure there'll be a blog post centred around it somewhere...
