Tuesday 8 June 2010

To Glyph or Not To Glyph?


In the end I decided to add a couple of black and white markings onto the shoulders of the Ork Nobz - although as with the Boyz, they'll be very muted once all the Devlan Mud washes are on.

Speaking of which, the last wash is drying now, so hopefully tonight I'll be able to finish off the metal with a drybrush of Chainmail - and then it'll be brown trousers time, literally.

I undercoated Njal yesterday and have borrowed the base from the Black Reach Warboss while I get him painted.  I had hoped to make a start on the Terminator Armour last night, but got a bit sidetracked.  Depending how quickly it all goes tonight, here is the plan:

1 - Drybrush the metal on the Nobz.
2 - Paint the brown areas on them with Scorched Brown.
3- Wash the same areas with Devlan Mud.
4- While that dries, do the first coat on Njal's Terminator Armour, using the 'Eavy Metal Masterclass for the Wolf Guard.
5 - Get some pictures on the Blog!

I know that I'm probably not going to manage all of that, but I'll definitely give it a go...

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