Thursday 24 June 2010

Could Be Better. Could Be Worse.

A bit like the England team, really.  I've managed to rescue the gold-yellow holster and shoulder-pad, but they are still not perfect.  The highlights do look a little bit rough around the edges, but I think that might have something to do with them being the THIRD ATTEMPT!

To be honest, I'm amazed there's any detail left on the miniature!

Still, the plus-side is that I reckon once the miniature is varnished, the matte spray should smooth out some of the nastier bits - and also, I'll be doing a final touch-up of the miniature when everything else is painted and I can see it all in context.

But anyway, in the end, these are the colours I used:

Basecoat of Khemri Brown Foundation.
1:1:1 Wash of Badab Black, Chaos Black and Scorched Brown.
Khemri Brown Basecoat, re-applied.
I then added small amounts of Tausept Ochre Foundation to build up the highlights, until eventually...
Pure Tausept Ochre Foundation.
2:1 Skull White / Tausept Ochre highlights.
3:1 Skull White / Tausept Ochre.
Skull White extreme highlights on the very edges.
Finally, pure Devlan Mud Wash painted back into the runes.

The final extreme highlight is mainly why I am not completely happy - I should have been far more reserved with them, putting them in fewer places, and more subtly.

Saying that, you live (and more to the point, paint) and learn, so I'm still very happy.

Here is a photo of the progress so far (and you may also notice that the stone talismans have also been painted):

Tonight, I'm going to start the most important bits...

The face and hair.

Or the hair and face.

Not sure which order to do them in yet.

I shall think on...

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