Monday 21 June 2010

Best Post Ever!!

No.  Not this post.

The post I had waiting for me when I got home this morning...

The new White Dwarf, a Games Day 2010 ticket and the Games Day Chaos Sorcerer!  Hurrah!

As you can tell, I'm rather excited by all of this arriving at once - enough to take the edge off the fact that there is no 'Eavy Metal Masterclass AGAIN(!!!) this month.  Still, the back page promises a 40K Painting Masterclass next month, so at least they haven't forgotten about them altogether.

Anyway, Masterclass Schmasterclass!  This entire issue is full of the new Warhammer!  Yes, that's right, there is no mention of any other GW game.  It's all about the Old World, this one.

Not had chance to read about any of the new release, but it's all looking very exciting.

I got an email from GW yesterday announcing the September release (at Games Day, I'll warrant) of the new Warhammer boxed game - Island of Blood.

Island of Blood.  It couldn't sound more exciting than that unless they called it 'Island of Blood and Naked Sirens - In Heat!'

I can't wait.  I think I'll probably buy that instead of the £45 rulebook as 500-odd pages is a bit of a hefty old tome to lug around and flick through while you're playing.  I think the cut-down version that'll hopefully be in the box will suffice.

With any luck, one of the armies included (as yet, a big secret...) will be one that I want to collect, so I can paint one for myself and sell the other.  I'm so mercinary, me!

Anyway, enough of that - I'm off to check on Njal, whose cloak I've almost finished.

I'll post a report on how he's doing tonight, with some lovely pictures, hopefully!

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